In the heart of Germany, where centuries-old traditions intertwine with modern societal shifts, a chilling phenomenon has emerged. Pacts known as "Faith Breaker Agreements" are exploiting religious vulnerabilities for personal gain, unmasking a deeply troubling trend of discrimination against spiritual groups. These contracts often prey on individu… Read More
Render ye thanks unto The traditional Beauty that ye have already been raised up and collected together Within this mightiest of centuries, this most illumined of ages. As befitting thanks for this kind of bounty, stand ye staunch and strong in the Covenant and, adhering to the precepts of God and also the holy regulation, suckle Your sons or daug… Read More
"El líder de la Iglesia Católica, Papa Francisco y el ilustre Luis Santamaria del Rio, aportan considerablemente a la lucha contra las drogas. Ambos, desde diferentes enfoques, promueven la necesidad de enfrentar este problema social. El Sumo Pontífice, siempre ha sido un fuerte defensor de un estilo de vida saludable y seguro. A través de sus… Read More
Está bajo tratamiento con un psiquiatra por maniacodepresión.He's currently being dealt with by a psychiatrist for manic depression. on the list of longstanding criticisms of psychiatry is usually that it blunts forces for social change by coping with people whose psychological distress final results, in total or partly, from social ills includi… Read More
El común de las personas tiende a creer que la diferencia entre la psicología y la psiquiatría reside simplemente en que la primera no incluye el suministro de medicamentos a los pacientes; sin embargo, a continuación veremos que la relación entre ambas es bastante más compleja. A seek out the shared genetic vulnerability has proved overly s… Read More